Learn how to build Web3 Mobile Dapps

Build a dope dApp, and we'll sponsor the first 10,000 transactions. Starts on January 8, 2024.

How it works

  1. Frame 10

    Web3 Fundamentals: January 8

    We hit the ground running by covering the fundamentals of web3, we cover wallet signatures, Signing-in with Ethereum, ethersJS, and Viem setup and configurations.

  2. Frame 9

    Deploy Contracts: January 15

    Next, we'll explore deploying contracts with your smart phone while learning about ByteCode Deployment, and interacting with a contract on the blockchain. Meta Transactions are the coolest way to get past transaction limitations and empower users to interact seamlessly with web3 without the burden of gas fees.

  3. Frame 8

    Build your dApp: January 22

    It doesn’t end there! we’ll be building an onchain NFT minter, and a PermaMemo dApp all with the Rally mobile SDK! Experience the magic of building onchain.

  4. Frame 7

    Earn your NFT Certificate: January 29

    Get your NFT certificate at the end this workshop, to earn your 10k sponsored transactions, and that you are officially a mobile web3 dev!